Attending this event?
Tuesday, June 4

8:30am CEST

9:30am CEST


avatar for Matthieu GRYMONPREZ


Digital Data Global Leader, ADEO

Tuesday June 4, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am CEST
📣 Amphitheater

10:15am CEST

How to reduce the RUN of a team with AI tools?

Since 2 years, we spent a lot of time in my team to help users via Email, slack and workplace chat. Our RUN needed to be improved.
So have used some AI tools to try to reduce our RUN.
Our talk will contain the history of our team for some context, then we will explain to users how we have improved it using some different AI tools such as Language AI APIs, vertex AI search & documentation and the Gitbook AI APIs

avatar for Adrien VIGODA


ADEO Services
avatar for Romain BAILLEUL


Tech Lead, ADEO Services
Tech Lead in cloud services team

Tuesday June 4, 2024 10:15am - 10:45am CEST
📣 Amphitheater

10:15am CEST

HACKMAMBA - Growing an Effective Product Community

The best product communities aren't about the product, but the people. This talk goes beyond the basics to the practical depths of growing a product community. You'll learn 7 key methods to built a self-sustaining product community, that outlasts you.

avatar for William IMOH

William IMOH


Tuesday June 4, 2024 10:15am - 10:45am CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

10:30am CEST

Accessibility matters: How do Adeo and Leroy Merlin handle digital accessibility on Customer Commerce and Digital Platform

Digital Accessibility is important in our today society, let's get a brief awareness to understand it. We will talk about the progressive enhancement of Leroy Merlin commercial website since 2020. Then we will discuss the available resources and what we plan to do for the 2 next years.

It is more than necessary for all digital teams at ADEO to onboard on this important topic, Let's do it at this major internal event!
We want to introduce our services to benefit as many people as possible and provide fundamental keys to grow up. Finally, we are proud to share our experience.

avatar for Bertrand LAOT

Bertrand LAOT

Front-End Developer Advocate, Leroy Merlin France
I've been working for Adeo / Leroy Merlin for twelve years in front-end development. I'm currently a developer advocate in the Front-End Enablers team, working on web performance and accessibility. I've already given a few talks in the past, notably at external events such as We Love... Read More →
avatar for Florence McDonagh

Florence McDonagh

External for Leroy Merlin France
Florence : I am the lead front-end developer who supports CCDP teams to be compliant with accessibility requirements.

Tuesday June 4, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

10:30am CEST

THALES - Unlocking the Power of Innersource at Thales: Journey and Insights

In a recent GitHub-sponsored survey, all developers have declared to have adopted some InnerSource practices, and more than half of them have declared to have an active InnerSource culture. Thales has over seven years of experience in InnerSource and has some valuable insights to share.
In this talk, you will discover why it is important to have an InnerSource initiative in a large company like Thales. You will also discover how InnerSource is implemented within the group, from a technical, legal and organizational perspective.

avatar for Thomas MOREAU


Thales Group

Tuesday June 4, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

10:30am CEST

Spring AI - AI in the Java World - Getting Started

AI is currently changing the world as we know it: with generative AI, we are able to create text and images to generate original content more easily than ever before.
For developers, generative AI enable them to improve productivity with tools like Github Copilot. However, when you want to incorporate artificial intelligence functionality in a project, most tools use Python language, like LangChain or LlamaIndex.
Here, we will explore a new way to use AI to powered your project, based on a stack largely use in Adeo : Java and Spring Framework.

So come to discover Spring AI, a new library by Pivotal team, to help developer in developing seamless AI applications, during a talk around the building of a business documentation based chatbot.

avatar for Marcel MARQUEZ


Software Architect, ADEO Services
I'm Marcel Marquez, currently Software Architect in the SCDP within the Customer Delivery domain.I describe myself as a techie, a Java enthusiast but also a craftmanship lover.As a Software Architect, i'm in charge of spreading the good practices inside my domain and my platform on... Read More →

Tuesday June 4, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST
📝 Workshop Room

11:00am CEST

Accelerating Innovation: Exploring the Adeo Application Platform

Embark on a transformative journey with the Adeo Application Platform (AAP), where innovation meets efficiency. AAP promises to redefine the way applications are conceived, developed, and managed, addressing critical challenges faced by ADEO. With its robust set of features, AAP streamlines workflows, accelerates time-to-market, and ensures seamless scalability to meet evolving business demands. Developers are empowered with a unified platform and comprehensive toolset, fostering collaboration, innovation, and experimentation.
Join us as we navigate the path towards realizing the full potential of AAP, driving transformative outcomes for ADEO. With a focus on automation, standards adherence, and enhanced developer experience, AAP represents the future of application development.

avatar for Guillaume DESMIDT

Guillaume DESMIDT

Product Leader, ADEO Services
avatar for Pierre Lemperière

Pierre Lemperière

Deputy CTO, ADEO Services

Tuesday June 4, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am CEST
📣 Amphitheater

11:00am CEST

The greedy search for a healthy purchase strategy: Stockout X Overstock

Thanks to this initiative, we've accomplished a remarkable cost reduction of approximately 120 million reais in less than three months at LMBR. This achievement underscores the critical importance of this project for other business units and affiliates within our organization, particularly those aiming to optimize Relex parameters for enhanced performance. By leveraging our success, we can set a precedent for outstanding results within a short timeframe.

As logistics professionals, we understand the delicate balance between overstock and stockout situations. Therefore, this presentation will not only showcase our achievements but also illuminate the pathways to worldwide solutions within the ADEO group. Our insights and strategies promise to revolutionize logistical approaches, paving the way for more efficient and effective operations across the board.
The project is essential to solving a critical problem in the company: the lack of a personalized approach to purchasing materials in its stores. Currently, a fixed value is used for all materials and stores, causing a high increase in the overstock indicator, in addition to affecting the availability of products that we end up offering to the customer. This optimization is vital to avoid financial losses for the company and ensure the ideal time to purchase product stock to meet demand when necessary.

The central objective is to analyze different purchasing scenarios for each item in stock, determining the ideal scenario that balances material availability with the prevention of excess stock by using advanced analytics and data sciences techniques. We have the following methods as our choice criteria, when a material has a registered trigger.

If the "trigger" is not reached, we will not purchase for stock.
EXAMPLE: I need 6 units in my stock but the supplier only delivers 10, assuming we have an order trigger level of 80%, I would need to have at least 8 units needed to actually issue the purchase order.

If the "trigger" is reached, we make the purchase until the desired level of packaging is reached.
EXAMPLE: I need 6 units in my stock but the supplier only delivers 10, assuming we have an order trigger level of 30%, I would need to have at least 3 units needed, so I will issue the purchase order and buy the 4 units from more than I need to achieve supplier packaging.

avatar for Rafael CUNHA

Rafael CUNHA

Data Analyst, Leroy Merlin Brazil
My name is Rafael Fernandes Cunha, and at 20 years old, I am deeply passionate about leveraging artificial intelligence and analytics to drive value for people.I embarked on my journey with LMBR in 2022 as an intern on the data team, with a primary focus on optimizing supply chain... Read More →

Tuesday June 4, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

11:15am CEST

Data Quality “Business friendly”

In this speech we will tell how we are organized in LMIT on Data Quality management and how we started using the Data Quality Platform, then integrating it with Google Looker to allow the business to better understand the data and easily monitor the shared goals

avatar for Sara Bersi

Sara Bersi

I have been working in the world of data for over 15 years and have dealt with various areas from market research to the analysis of customer data, also following, from a business point of view, the development of various algorithms currently in use in Leroy Merlin Italia.I also obtained... Read More →
avatar for Simone Noseda

Simone Noseda

DATA GOVERNANCE, Leroy Merlin Italia

Tuesday June 4, 2024 11:15am - 11:45am CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

11:15am CEST

Road to Global Ready

As part of ADEO group, we are actively engaged in product stabilization, evolution and modernization, with the adoption of Global tools and standards.
In 2023, the LMIT Infrastructure and the dev factory teams promoted a ""road to global ready"" initiative, aiming to bring 10 products to Global Ready Level 3 for the ""devops"", ""development"", ""observability"" and ""cyber security"" areas.

We worked with IT Operations team to identify business relevant applications in need of critical improvements. Through close collaboration with the Dev Factory, we selected projects with a less structured and organized past, highlighting the need for cleanliness, standardization, and documentation.

Following an initial assessment, we actively involved the Product leaders and their development teams, sharing the results of our analysis, defining actions and integrating them into the product backlog.

One year into the project, we have achieved significant results in terms of product quality and re-engineering, increasing the adoption of global tools, and enhancing the overall observability of our infrastructures.

However, not all paths have been without challenges: we have learned that high level sponsorhip of the process, with effective engagement of the product leaders in this project are crucial to fuel awareness of the ""as-is"" and the next steps towards adoption of the ""Global Ready"" model. Additionally, we have recognized the importance of periodic highlighting issues and vulnerabilities to stimulate timely and targeted corrective actions.
It's important to share that you could have all the possible and fantastic dashboards, but if you're not engaged, you'll not start the global ready adoption and you need an external team that guide you finger-pointing your attention to all the steps you need to address.

Our journey towards full adoption of the ""Global Ready"" model is ongoing, and with the continued support of our team to product leaders, we are confident in achieving our goals and ensuring a safer and more competitive future for our digital infrastructures.

avatar for Davide CARIONI


DevOps Engineer, Leroy Merlin Italy
I'm the devops specialist of the LMIT infrastructure team, and i managed the Road to Global ready L3 project in 2023.

Tuesday June 4, 2024 11:15am - 11:45am CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

11:45am CEST

Architecting the Future: A Deep Dive into the Adeo Application Platform

Explore the architecture of the Adeo Application Platform (AAP). Deep dive into the AAP's foundation, based on the Kubernetes operator pattern and powered by cutting-edge tools like ArgoCD and Crossplane. Understand the architecture behind seamless product deployment, components, and resource orchestration. Discover how Backstage, an open-source portal, will serve as the developer console, providing a unified experience for developers within ADEO.
Join us as we present the future architecture of the Adeo Application Platform.

avatar for Nicolas GODEFROY


Site Reliability Engineer, Leroy Merlin France


Solution Architect, Adeo Services

Tuesday June 4, 2024 11:45am - 12:30pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

11:45am CEST

The Evolution of Product Design in the Age of Generative AI

The impact of generative AI on user experiences, eco-design of products in the era of generative AI, and predictions about the daily life of designers in five years.

avatar for Rémi GUYOT


Discovery Discipline co-founder
avatar for Tristan CHARVILLAT


Author of "Discovery Discipline"
avatar for Paul THANASACK


Head of UX, ADEO
avatar for Thomas CALIMAN


Global UX Leader, ADEO Services

Tuesday June 4, 2024 11:45am - 12:30pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

11:45am CEST

GenIAL, your virtual coach

Introduce a bot that behaves an AI supplier to help buyers better negotiate with suppliers and become more confident with art of negociation



Data Eng, Leroy Merlin France


CHEF DE PRODUITS, Leroy Merlin France
avatar for Gregory PARLIER


Data Partner, Leroy Merlin France
Dedicated to my business with a high customer service skillI am Data Partner at Leroy Merlin France Data Department, in charge of Supply Chain and Product Offer topicsI have a 16 year experience in Supply Chain and a 6 year experience in data.I spent 10 years in Bricoman France Supply... Read More →

Tuesday June 4, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

12:00pm CEST

Strategies to Calibrate Models for Imbalanced Data

Classification models predictions are generally not really probabilities, especially when the training data is imbalanced.
This leads into issues comparing individuals predictions.
This talk is about how to transform these pseudo probabilities into true usable probabilities.

avatar for Mickael GEST

Mickael GEST

Data Scientist, Leroy Merlin France
I'm a data scientist for LMFR since 3 years. I've got a degree in applied maths in 2010. I first worked for consulting companies before joining LMFR.

Tuesday June 4, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

12:00pm CEST

How we promoted a Local Product to a Platform Product

How the implementation of SAP allowed us to replace a local & obsolete product with many RUN tickets into a technically compliant product, credible for the business, modular and multiBU.


Alberto De CASTRO

Product Manager, Obramat Spain

Alberto SOLIS

Obramat Spain

Tuesday June 4, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

12:00pm CEST

Case of success. Adeo Operations International Hub (AOIH) - A Journey of Collaboration and Excellence

How to build the seed of a service operation, based on SRE models, for successful multi-product, multi-product and multi-region management?
To provide the necessary levers of change in our company that allow us to accelerate and guarantee quality the deployment and operation of all digital products. We have created a real success story that currently operates for all of ADEO with innovative, disruptive and agile ideas.

avatar for Jean-François MARQUIS

Jean-François MARQUIS

Head of Ops & Engineering, ADEO Services
Head of Operations and Engineering. HF3P Head of Operations and Cyber Security Leader of Global Tech & Data Platform - 3 yearsCloud Architect & SRE Leader - 1 year.Infrastructure and Operations (CSP IP) Technical Architect - 3 yearsHead of Infrastructure (CSP IP) - 5 yearsIt Project... Read More →
avatar for Carlos PASCUAL


Leroy Merlin Spain
avatar for Jorge GONZALEZ DIAZ


Leroy Merlin Spain

Tuesday June 4, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

12:00pm CEST


Please register for lunch so that we avoid waste.

Tuesday June 4, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm CEST
🥐 Food Corner

2:00pm CEST

LUC JULIA - Generative AI: Myth and Reality

avatar for Luc JULIA


Chief Scientific Officer, Renault Group

Tuesday June 4, 2024 2:00pm - 2:45pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

2:45pm CEST

The Tech Governance 2023 Odyssey

In this talk, we will share what happened in 2023 in Tech Governance at ADEO.

* What’s up in Tech Radar?
- Retrospective with key figures: SIG / TOC / Proposals…
- Tech updates
- Tech Radar YAML API & new UI
* What’s new in Tech Governance?
- Next domains of interest and proposals to come in 2024 on Tech Radar;
- Cleanup best practice, link with other Odyssey passengers: Tangram and Global Ready

At the end of this talk, you will learn more about Tech Governance at ADEO and know how to participate at your level.

avatar for Guilherme GUITTE

Guilherme GUITTE

Product Leader, ADEO Services
👋🏻 Hello! I'm Guilherme. Digital Product Leader of Recommendation & Push at ADEO, also co-Chair TOC on Tech Governance - you may know us through our brands like Leroy Merlin, Zodio, Bricoman…  Former Tech Lead - Leroy Merlin Brazil. Brazilian 6y in Lille, France.

Laurent BRISSE

Architect, Leroy Merlin France

Tuesday June 4, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

2:45pm CEST

Fostering Agile Organizations: Strategies for Optimal Team Structures and Collaboration

By emphasizing the precise definition of functional domains, we explore how a deep understanding of our environment can guide the creation of more agile, resilient organizations, adapted to current challenges and ready to meet future demands.
Participants will discover strategies to structure their teams according to optimal topologies, thus fostering collaboration, reducing cognitive load, and improving product delivery.
Join us for an introduction to the fundamentals of organizational and technological strategy, where agility and strategic vision intertwine to shape product-oriented organizations.

avatar for Jonathan DUBERVILLE


External, External for ADEO Services

Tuesday June 4, 2024 2:45pm - 3:30pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

3:00pm CEST

Data Revolution in a Cloud Infrastructure Team

In this talk, we will explain why and how we transformed an infrastructure team to a data-driven one by leveraging the tools available in ADEO ecosystem.
The heart of our transformation lies in adopting a data-driven approach. We introduce the **Cloud Services Database (CSDB)**, highlighting its advantages over previous solutions.
Data ingestion is a crucial step, and we cover both batch processing and event-driven approaches using technologies like **Kafka (DSP)**, **Pub/Sub, Feeds,** **Cloud Functions** and **Containers.**
Additionally, we explore various data sources that we use like **GCP**, **Azure** services and APIs but also internal ones, like **CloudCraft** and **Rapid**.
Analytics play a vital role in our ecosystem. We establish a **Change Data Capture (CDC)** pipeline from CSDB to **BigQuery (BQ)** using **DataStream**. Our data catalog, powered by **Collibra**, ensures efficient data governance.
Most importantly there was a shift in mindset and an upskilling of the team in both software and data, we will talk about it if time permits.

avatar for Hicham AMCHAAR


Cloud Architect, External for ADEO Services
Data & Cloud Hands-on Architect, Consultant @GTDP-Cloud Solutions-Cloud Services Team

avatar for Peng BAI

Peng BAI

Cloud Ops, ADEO Services
Foot of Ops @GTDP-Cloud Solutions-Cloud Services Team

Tuesday June 4, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

3:00pm CEST

How did we succeed in saving 1+ Million € on our cloud consumption?

During this talk we'll see: Cloud costs. You can have the best product, use the last trending tech or have a wonderful UI in your product, it will always come after the finops topic. No matter what.
This is no secret that cloud consumption is one of the most important costs in IT. Mastering and understanding cloud billing can definitely be a challenge.
In the cloud databases team we succeeded in saving 1+ million euro thanks to a solid finOps strategy and a day-to-day cost tracking. But this success is a global ADEO success and nothing would have been possible without YOU, our beloved DBAPI users.

I would like to share with you how the cloud databases team succeeded in:
- Saving 1+ million euros per year
- Having a non production infrastructure that costs only ~15% of the total consumption
- How more services can cost less

Join us! 

avatar for Saad AMAL


Tech Lead, ADEO Services
I have been working in the database world for more than15 years, I am now technical leader in the cloud databases team. I love databases and coding :)


Head of Databases, ADEO

Tuesday June 4, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

3:00pm CEST

Harmonizing Product Management: Leveraging Team Topologies and Conway's Law

In this conference, we will explore the synergies between product management, team topologies, and Conway's Law.
By understanding how organizational structures influence the products we build, we'll discover how to apply team topology principles to enhance our product management process.


Tuesday June 4, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

3:00pm CEST

Hands-on lab: Dive into our Tech Stack!

Automation plays a crucial role in delivering new features and maintaining a competitive edge in our market. This interactive workshop is designed to empower participants with practical techniques and tools.
Explore the creation of cloud-native microservices using our GTDP Technical Stack in our hands-on labs.

avatar for Juan Francisco MARCOS

Juan Francisco MARCOS

DevOps Specialist, Leroy Merlin Spain
avatar for Matthias DUPONT

Matthias DUPONT

Cloud Advocate, ADEO Services
I am Cloud Advocate at the Global Tech and Data Platform

Tuesday June 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

3:15pm CEST

How to modelize your architecture?

Frequently, when we're onboarded on a new project, we try to understand its architecture. The team needs to be able to convey this information clearly and simply.
This raises a number of issues:
- What formalism should be adopted?
- What meaning can an arrow or a shape have?
- How to provide the right level of detail?
- How do you maintain the architecture diagram during time?

C4Model is here to help... and you know what? You can even code your architecture.

avatar for Logan HAUSPIE


Consultant for @Zenika, External for ADEO Services
Consultant at Zenika, focusing on back-end development and solution architecture.  An avid technical explorer, he's a true jack-of-all-trades who doesn't hesitate to try out new adventures.Speaker in his spare time on a variety of subjects, he enjoys good food, good beer, evenings... Read More →

Tuesday June 4, 2024 3:15pm - 3:45pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

3:30pm CEST

3:45pm CEST

Data Management in Leroy Merlin Spain: A new data approach paradigm

Following the recently presented ADEO AI Strategy, in LMES we have changed our internal data organization to be more a more business processses and data quality oriented team.
This year AI will be a key pillar in LMES and so from the new Data Management team we should build a robust data availability architecture, with the main objectives of ensuring the quality of the data being used by our dashboards and AI models, as well as setting-up a comprehensive data governance framework, covering governance practices but also architecture and data engineering solutions under a common umbrella.



Leroy Merlin Spain
avatar for Victor GARCIA FERIA


Data Governance Leader, Leroy Merlin Spain
I’m an industrial engineer with almost 20 years of professional experience.During this period, I have performed different roles and responsibilities, both from a technical and managerial perspective, working in different industries (consultancy, insurance, retail). My responsibilities... Read More →

Tuesday June 4, 2024 3:45pm - 4:15pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

3:45pm CEST

Rogue Squadron for Product Digital Platform - A Community Story

We will talk about the Product Digital Platform TechLead Chapter: an instance and community animated by the software architect with all of our TechLead as member. I will present the structure, why we are doing it, what we are doing inside and how. I will also provide feedback about us, how we started and what it took us to start creating a community. 

avatar for Benjamin ORMAN

Benjamin ORMAN

Software Architect, ADEO Services
I've joined Adeo in 2011 first as an external in a TMA and then as an internal. I worked 8 years on the Diamond Legacy mainly as a solution expert and developer. I then choose to become a TechLead for the Back Office side and after that I choose the evolution path to my current job... Read More →

Tuesday June 4, 2024 3:45pm - 4:15pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

3:45pm CEST

How to unlock your Product potential with Data & UX?

We want to talk about our data informed approach and about the strengths of a hand in hand collaboration between UX, Data and Product Manager.
We will talk about how we managed to explore data, and to put it in perspective with user feedbacks. We will take, as an example of use case, a useful product we built in LMFR with this approach, reaching great NPS & SUS. Basically, how UX and Data help a product manager to build the right product.

avatar for Juliette CALAIS

Juliette CALAIS

UX Designer, External for Leroy Merlin France
avatar for Yannick POLLART


Data Advocate, Leroy Merlin France
avatar for Alexia NÉE 🧦

Alexia NÉE 🧦

Product Owner, Leroy Merlin France

Tuesday June 4, 2024 3:45pm - 4:15pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

4:00pm CEST

From Vision to Reality: Adopting a pragmatic Product Management journey to build a global product

The advent of digital transformation has revolutionized the way businesses operate, emphasizing the need for robust systems and transparent communication channels. In this context, a pragmatic monitoring tool such as StatusPage serves as a pivotal tool for monitoring system health and business gestures while providing real-time updates to business and tech stakeholders.
It is a tool designed by Operations teams to reduce the complexity of ensuring platforms’ reliability and to provide Business and Product teams with an easy way to visualize the health of customer journeys and assess business impact.

This paper demonstrates how GTDP and LMPT are working together and embracing a pragmatic and efficient product management strategy to develop the StatusPage platform for global adoption with a clear customer-centric mindsetIt describes the journey we continuously follow to understand the target audience, what the product must be to fulfill the users’ real needs and have the right feature roadmap while ensuring the product delivery is (always) aligned with the company’s requirements to support business and technical operations.

In the dynamic landscape of digital services, ensuring reliability and maintaining transparent communication with business and tech stakeholders is paramount for sustainable business growth. This paper explores the key role of product management when developing a product for global adoption at ADEO, ensuring a proper understanding of the audience and the jobs to be done. Following dynamic and efficient approaches, we ensure this GTDP product meets the technical and business goals set by ADEO.

avatar for Micael ROSA

Micael ROSA

Engineering Manager, Leroy Merlin Portugal
As Engineering Manager, I'm the leader of Engineering team in Leroy Merlin Portugal. I'm passionate about Software Development in Cloud environments and driving business growth through digital tools. My main goal is to have innovative solutions that contribute to the company's objectives... Read More →
avatar for Catia FONSECA


Product Leader, Leroy Merlin Portugal

Tuesday June 4, 2024 4:00pm - 4:45pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

4:15pm CEST

Hey Captain Planet, what's the environmental impact of buying a toilet flush online?

Do you know how to calculate the environmental impact of your user journeys on the web, in terms of CO2 generated and water consumed?
Not yet, or not enough!
Come and discover our workshop, where Agility and sustainable IT meet together.
We propose a 4-step analysis method that combines user experience evaluation via a User Journey Map and environmental impact measurement using a GreenIT tool that calculates an Eco index.
You will analyze on your own a user journey on the Leroy Merlin website.
⚠️ You must bring your computer with you to this workshop.

avatar for Alexandre BURGERT

Alexandre BURGERT

Agile Coach, External for Leroy Merlin France
avatar for Mélanie AMON

Mélanie AMON

Leroy Merlin France

Tuesday June 4, 2024 4:15pm - 5:15pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

4:30pm CEST

AI in Retail Supply Chain: Inventory and Order Fulfilment Reliability

Explain how Adeo and Google adressed 2 questions in supply chain for retail with AI: Is my inventory reliable? Are Customer order fulfilment promises reliable?

Deep dive into 2 very different levels of customization of AI models (1 simple, 1 highly complex). Discover how Google Cloud Engineering adresses such topics. 

avatar for Julien FAVRE

Julien FAVRE

Data Scientist, ADEO Services

Tuesday June 4, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

4:30pm CEST

Cloud Champions: Building a community of practice across the ADEO group

​We have skilled people across the group. We need them not only to give feedback, but also to build with us a strong, common technical stack.
In this talk we will explain how we are building a community of practice around Cloud activities. Sharing and using our common Technical stack. 

avatar for Juan Francisco MARCOS

Juan Francisco MARCOS

DevOps Specialist, Leroy Merlin Spain
avatar for Matthias DUPONT

Matthias DUPONT

Cloud Advocate, ADEO Services
I am Cloud Advocate at the Global Tech and Data Platform

Tuesday June 4, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

4:30pm CEST

Gates: Show me your papers please...

Gates is a product developed by Adeo to improve compliance along the CICD toolchain.
With Gates we can ensure docker images do not have CVEs or are compliant to a certain policy such as SemVer for versioning.
Because it helps the day to day work for developers as well as Stakeholders to ensure software delivery has a high level of quality without adding too much load of the developers. Gates is ready to on-board new gates, but also new metric providers.
The Software Delivery Toolchain is the day to day life of developers and thus a topic like this one really has room in a DevSummit !

avatar for Nicolas DEMEY

Nicolas DEMEY

Leroy Merlin France
avatar for Corentin VERQUIN

Corentin VERQUIN

External for ADEO Services
avatar for Fabien BROUSSE


Digital Product Leader, External for ADEO Services
Digital Product Leader Delivery Experience DevOps practitioner

Tuesday June 4, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

4:30pm CEST

How to make sure that what is delivered is what has been designed?

Based on a shared desire to guarantee the quality of the features delivered to our end users, PDP's QA and UX teams have collaborated on a common process.
The goal is to ensures that the solution designed & validate is correctly implemented for end users. It's also a way to improve product quality & team efficiency by identify gaps of understanding between team members.

avatar for Ajish PUTHANTHARA


External for ADEO Services
avatar for Jean-Baptiste LECOMTE

Jean-Baptiste LECOMTE

Lead UI Designer, ADEO Services

Tuesday June 4, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

5:00pm CEST

How I optimize bigquery jobs.

During this small talk, you will see how to analyse, understand a bigquery job. We will look for optimisation to reduce the latency, the price and the slot's consumption.

avatar for Alexandre COTE

Alexandre COTE

Tech Lead, ADEO Services
Domain tech lead at the DataHub, I eat up changelog and documentations to design future stacks and share the most useful information in my domain.

Tuesday June 4, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

5:00pm CEST

Let's shape together a better Developer Experience for ADEO!

What's the goal of Developer Experience : making life easier for all developers on a daily basis and helping them develop their technical skills. 

In this participative session, we will design together the future of Developer Experience at ADEO 
  • Facilitate developer technical onboarding
  • Collect feedbacks on developers daily basis problems
  • Improve development tools
  • Sharing technical knowledge with dev communities and events
  • etc...

For each topic, we will present concrete actions already in progress in 2024 (or coming soon) to improve developers daily life and collect live feedbacks / ideas to go further 

avatar for Julien Roynette

Julien Roynette

Head of Developer Experience, ADEO Services


Developer Advocate, ADEO Services

Tuesday June 4, 2024 5:00pm - 5:45pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

5:15pm CEST

Empowering Sustainability : Python Automation for Energy Efficiency with Cisco Meraki Access Points

My talk is about the way to concile network availability and sustainability with a simple use case : shut down Wi-Fi access points at night to save energy, which can be achieved using simple built-in vendors functionnalities (Cisco Meraki in our example). To demonstrate the efficiency of such process, all consumption data can be retrieved and graphed in a Looker Studio dashboard. Finally, in some case, there's might be a need to re-enable Wi-Fi next to an on-duty call for example.
This can be done through some Python automation to automaticly revive access points in a minute whenever needed. As this can be achieved very easily, it can be the first step into green IT for network administrators.


Tuesday June 4, 2024 5:15pm - 5:45pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

5:15pm CEST

FOCUS: Time series for Customer Indicators

Thanks to statistical "simple" models, make forecasts to visualise trend and seasonality for business indicators, GMV, recruitment, selling price. 

avatar for Axel TISON


Data Scientist, Leroy Merlin France
I'm datascientist at LMFR since 2021. I worked on timeseries, classification, regression algos. Also some ops part dev/ml 

Tuesday June 4, 2024 5:15pm - 5:45pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

5:15pm CEST

Be Human: How to cultivate soft skills in a world of IT specialists

This speech emphasizes the vital role of interpersonal connections within IT department, focusing on transversality, knowledge and collaboration.
It showcases a case study from the DDI department at LMIT, where the UX and HR teams collaborated to enhance technical teams engagement and improve wellness employee.
By sharing moments and fostering collaboration, IT department can achieve greater efficiency, innovation, and employee satisfaction.

avatar for Grazia COLUCCI


Head of UX, Leroy Merlin Italy
avatar for Alice BONIZZI


HR Business Partner Digital Data, Leroy Merlin Italy

Tuesday June 4, 2024 5:15pm - 5:45pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

5:15pm CEST

How will Customer Journeys impact the future of ADEO growth?

We will talk about: 
i) Context: why is CX important?
ii) What is the situation at Adeo?
iii) What is the solution?
iv) How it will impact other teams?
v) How do we measure success?
vi) Initial results and plan for the rest of the year

avatar for Jérémie BOUDET

Jérémie BOUDET

UX Designer, ADEO Services
avatar for Alice BOUQUET


I’m Alice Bouquet, based in Lille. I am head of Global Customer Experience at Adeo since September 2023. I have been at Adeo for the past 3 years, initially as part of the Marketplace team in charge of Sellers and Seller Services. Before that, I worked at Amazon for 7 years in different... Read More →

Tuesday June 4, 2024 5:15pm - 5:45pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

6:00pm CEST

🥨 Food, Drinks & Video Games 🎮

Let's gather for this first evening of our Dev x Data X Produc Management Summit!

Come and enjoy food & drinks with your colleagues... or maybe you will prefer to challenge them on your favorite video games?!

(Please register so that we can order the right amont of food/ drinks for the group and avoid waste)

Tuesday June 4, 2024 6:00pm - 10:00pm CEST
Wednesday, June 5

8:30am CEST

9:15am CEST

LLMOps: The New Paradigm in Developing Applications with Generative AI (Microsoft)

  • Quick introduction to the LLM & SLM
  • How to choose the right model for a specific usage ?
  • Prompt & Orchestration 
  • Flow Evaluation 
  • Operationalization

avatar for Eric Charbonnier

Eric Charbonnier

CTO Data France, Microsoft

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:15am - 10:00am CEST
📣 Amphitheater

9:30am CEST

DevContainer, demo & possibilities

Let's use DevContainers to enhance the development experience in our projects. We'll create and use one together, then we'll discover use cases together that could make our lives better 🌴.

avatar for Sylvain DUMAS

Sylvain DUMAS

Architect, Leroy Merlin France
avatar for Damien VANDERSTRICHT


External for ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:30am - 10:15am CEST
📝 Workshop Room

10:00am CEST

Product Management Collage

Come and experiment in this serious game what are the skills and activities of Product Management. With other participants, build the puzzle and identify all the activities that can help your product to be the best one for your users. At the end, you obtain a complete view of all the product management skills and how all these skills are interconnected and serve your product.

avatar for Clotilde FRYS

Clotilde FRYS

Adeo Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

10:15am CEST

Asterix vs.The Place That Sends You Mad: Can Gemini Save the Day?

Even the mighty Gaul Asterix can be brought to his knees by something more formidable than a Roman legion: chatbotcracy. In this tale, Asterix and his faithful companion Obelix find themselves trapped in the nightmarish labyrinth known as "The Place That Sends You Mad." Faced with endless digital queues, nonsensical forms disguised as chat windows, and infuriatingly unhelpful AI chatbots, Asterix's legendary strength is useless.

Enter Gemini, a new and unexpected ally. This AI, with its unparalleled access to information and lightning-fast processing abilities, might be Asterix's only hope. Can Gemini navigate the chatbotcratic maze and help Asterix conquer The Place That Sends You Mad? Join us on this humorous adventure to discover how an unlikely partnership between a Gaul, a Gaulish giant, and a AI can outsmart even the most maddening AI-powered chatbotcracy.

avatar for Bruno Duterte

Bruno Duterte

Head Of Architect, ADEO Services
Make the Implicit Explicit
avatar for Alexandre COTE

Alexandre COTE

Tech Lead, ADEO Services
Domain tech lead at the DataHub, I eat up changelog and documentations to design future stacks and share the most useful information in my domain.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:15am - 10:45am CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

10:15am CEST

REX: Search with GenAI Chatbot for employee

Feedback overview of first experience using Generative Ai with Conversational bot (chatbot) for search information.  This REX will present you our use cases for employees and what is our first conclusions. 



External for ADEO Services
avatar for Camille SAAD

Camille SAAD

Business Product Leader, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:15am - 10:45am CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

10:15am CEST

Transformers for product attractivity score inference

In search and recommendation engine, ranking products is a big challenge. With everyday new products arrival, catalog grows in vocabulary and diversity, making ranking problem even harder.
Transformers, the famous technology behind Large Language Models (LLM), with their impressive learning power and good inference speed, appears to be an attractive solution.
Transformers efficiently capture the semantic meaning of product designation and description, in addition to other common numerical and categorical product features.

In this talk, we will show how we can train a Transformer model to rank products from a keyword search, based on their related attractiveness score.
Then, unveiling the black box, we will demonstrate how words or features explain product relevancy.

Talk summary:
- Introduction to Transformers, BERT, and sentence-transformers python module
- A click model to compute product attractivity score related to a keyword
- Measuring ranking quality with nDCG
- Definition and training of a cross-encoder model to fit product score
- Understanding the model inner workings with SHAP value extraction

At the end, you will be able to create your own model, adapt it to your business case, drink some coffees during training time and evaluate its results.

avatar for François GAILLARD


Product Leader, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:15am - 10:45am CEST
🎤 Little Stage

10:15am CEST

Experience Review: Automation Project for Level 1 and Level 2 Operations

In the wake of our journey through an automation endeavor targeting Level 1 and Level 2 operations, it is time to reflect on the challenges, successes, and insights gained throughout this transformative initiative.

avatar for Jean-François MARQUIS

Jean-François MARQUIS

Head of Ops & Engineering, ADEO Services
Head of Operations and Engineering. HF3P Head of Operations and Cyber Security Leader of Global Tech & Data Platform - 3 yearsCloud Architect & SRE Leader - 1 year.Infrastructure and Operations (CSP IP) Technical Architect - 3 yearsHead of Infrastructure (CSP IP) - 5 yearsIt Project... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:15am - 10:45am CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

10:30am CEST

Impact Team and OKR Management : Do & Don't

We will explore the essential concepts of Impact Teams and OKR management, highlighting the practices to follow (Do) and the pitfalls to avoid (Don't). We will begin by understanding the importance of Impact Teams and OKRs in the context of product management. Then, we will review best practices for managing Impact Teams, such as clear role definition and a focus on results, while avoiding pitfalls like micromanagement and unrealistic goals. Similarly, we will examine effective strategies for implementing and managing OKRs, while avoiding common mistakes such as lack of alignment and misuse of OKRs. In conclusion, we will recap the key points and open the floor for discussion to address your questions. The goal is to provide practical guidance for optimizing team performance and achieving strategic objectives effectively.

avatar for Stéphane LEBAS

Stéphane LEBAS

Business Platform Leader - CCDP, ADEO Services
avatar for Marie KUTRI


Domain Leader, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST
📣 Amphitheater

10:30am CEST

GITHUB - GitHub Copilot Hands-On and experience from LMBR

The Journey of GitHub Copilot at LMBR's" explores the adoption of GitHub Copilot and its impact on developers' efficiency, addressing both benefits and challenges. It discusses how the tool boosts productivity, its impact across various levels of seniority, and the trade-offs, highlighting what effectively works, such as advanced code suggestions, as well as the limitations encountered. This offers a comprehensive overview of the implementation journey at LMBR, emphasizing the experiences and learnings along the way.

avatar for Bruno Daniel MARINHO

Bruno Daniel MARINHO

Tech Lead, Leroy Merlin Brazil
I have over 14 years of experience with Application Architecture and software development, working mainly with e-commerce and MarTech.I am currently Tech Lead of Marketplace, Supplier portal and working in the platform engineering at Leroy Merlin BR.Polyglot (Portuguese, English... Read More →
avatar for Eduardo ORIGE

Eduardo ORIGE

Tech Lead, Leroy Merlin Brazil
I'm a Software Engineer with a good experience in Python and the Linux environment. I love to talk about programming languages, teams, text editors and old video games. I've been working at Leroy Merlin Brasil since 2020 when I started as a Senior Software Engineer in the Assisted... Read More →
avatar for Tugdual Grall

Tugdual Grall

Solutions Engineer, Github

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST
📝 Workshop Room

11:00am CEST

Breaking the Code: Innovations in Fraud Detection Beyond Rules

In the evolving landscape of fraud detection, the reliance on hard-coded rules-based systems is becoming a relic of the past. "Breaking the Code: Innovations in Fraud Detection Beyond Rules" introduces a novel approach that leverages the power of statistical feature engineering, anomaly detection techniques, and graph machine learning to usher in a new era of fraud detection mechanisms that are dynamic, efficient, and adaptable to the sophisticated strategies employed by fraudsters today.

This presentation delves into the core of how traditional rule-based systems, while once effective, now pose limitations due to their static nature and the rapid evolution of fraudulent tactics. We propose an innovative framework that integrates statistical feature engineering to automatically identify and utilize relevant features in fraud detection, eliminating the need for manually crafted, rigid rules that fail to adapt over time.

Furthermore, we explore the implementation of anomaly detection algorithms. These algorithms are designed to pinpoint irregular patterns within vast datasets, highlighting potential fraudulent activities that would otherwise go unnoticed by conventional systems.

In addition, the application of graph machine learning is discussed as a transformative tool in fraud detection. By analyzing relationships and patterns within data that were previously invisible or considered insignificant, our approach enhances the detection of sophisticated fraud schemes through a comprehensive network analysis.

Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical case studies, this talk will demonstrate the effectiveness of moving beyond rules-based systems. Attendees will gain an understanding of the principles behind our proposed methods, the challenges faced in their implementation, and the significant improvements in fraud detection rates and operational efficiency achieved by adopting this advanced analytical approach.

avatar for Antoine DECHAPPE


Leroy Merlin France

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am CEST
🎤 Little Stage

11:00am CEST

How to industrialize DQ for daily stock data

As a team we process daily stocks of all BUs and all stores and warehouses in BUs to calculate global Supply Chain indicators. To do so effectively we put in place a system to prevent mishabs. We want to share our findings and expirience with the population of Adeo


Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

11:00am CEST

Develop the autonomy of your dev team with technical empowerment

As Engineering Manager in the PDP, subset 14, we have industrialized the integration, I would like to share the integration process of subset 14. From OBMS (Search candidate), Who for Why?, preparation of Jira; Onboard process towards leaving the team.

avatar for Gérald GALLAIX


Architect, Leroy Merlin France
I'm a technical leader since 3 years, but I work for ADEO since 13 years (yes, I know Phenix apps and ProjiMerlin). I work in Subset14 in PDP platform and I manage 4 Product built-in (Smatch, SPO, CPR, PDSC). I also work with 4 SaaS product (from crawling, scraping and optimise p... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

11:00am CEST

Implement Product Management in a tech Domain - How we did it

We are on a journey of product management in my domain, and I woulf like to share with you what was our methodology, the problem with faced and the incomes.

avatar for Mathilde MAJOT

Mathilde MAJOT

Domain Leader, ADEO Services
I'm the Domain Leader for Network since 5 years. I have been a Network Engineer at the beginning of my career and then I became in charge of organizing different technical topics. Moreover, I worked on mobile application delivery.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

11:00am CEST

Uncover the UX truth with the Mulder & Scully method

How can a dual research methodology - both quantitative and qualitative - help you provide better solutions for both users and business ? I will provide you quick and smart ways to gather data from your users and approach the truth doing so.

avatar for Mariama DIALLO

Mariama DIALLO

Lead UX, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

11:15am CEST

SFEIR - Succeeding in Deploying Your GenAI Platform: Tips and Tricks

Time is of the essence, and yet, effectively deploying a GenAI platform is a challenge. Initial poor technological, budgetary, and organizational choices can ruin GenAI projects. The risk of failure is high without a structured approach and best practices.

During this presentation, we will share essential tips drawn from over twenty successful implementations of GenAI platforms: the right technical and budgetary choices, the roadmap for evolving teams, pitfalls to avoid, and key success factors.

avatar for Didier GIRARD



Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

11:45am CEST

Looker scaling: the difficult path between global governance and flexibility

Looker is now the main Dataviz tool with PowerBI since now more than 1 year.
This session will talk about how this kind of tool fits in a huge group like Adeo with all of the governance rules and how it was able to built itself thanks to his users.
How we have built a common and uniform platform of the tool which allow us today to be more flexible with different use cases and implement easily some new features.

avatar for Bastien HIRSOU

Bastien HIRSOU

Tech Lead, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

11:45am CEST

Schema Registry pitfalls

Using Avro to encode data in your Kafka topics is great, but there are several pitfalls to be aware of:
* Updating the schema of your message keys can have undesired side effects even if it is compatible
* Avro enum limitations
* The different subject name strategies
* float vs int
* Compatibility transitivity
* Backward vs Forward compatibility
* Divergence with BigQuery

avatar for Nicolas FRUY

Nicolas FRUY

ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

11:45am CEST

Leveraging Open Feature Flagging: A strategy approach to Agile Software Development

Feature flagging has become a cornerstone of agile development, offering teams the flexibility to manage feature rollout and experimentation effectively. However, its adoption can provoke diverse opinions and perspectives among stakeholders within development teams and organizations. This paper explores the multifaceted nature of these opinions, examining the varied viewpoints on feature flagging benefits, challenges, and implications for software development practices. By synthesizing perspectives from developers, product managers, and business stakeholders, this paper aims to foster a nuanced understanding of feature flagging and its impact on collaboration, innovation, and risk management. Through an open-source framework adoption called OpenFeature and practical insights from a LeroyMerlin Portugal real-world experience and how a UI empowers business teams to manage feature toggles, granting them the ability to control the rollout of features without direct developer intervention. Promoting collaboration between business teams and development teams, streamlines the process of enabling or disabling features, and facilitates rapid experimentation and iteration based on user feedback and market insights to drive value and competitive advantage.

avatar for Paulo PIRIQUITO


External for Leroy Merlin Portugal
avatar for Micael ROSA

Micael ROSA

Engineering Manager, Leroy Merlin Portugal
As Engineering Manager, I'm the leader of Engineering team in Leroy Merlin Portugal. I'm passionate about Software Development in Cloud environments and driving business growth through digital tools. My main goal is to have innovative solutions that contribute to the company's objectives... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

11:45am CEST

Estimation of the probability of substitution between products

I will present the result of my phd thesis made while at adeo: the estimation of the substitution between products based on sales data. The idea is to present the mathematical modelization, algorithm and the resulting substitution probabilities on a subset of products.

avatar for Axel POTIER


ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:45am - 12:30pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

11:45am CEST

GitHub Copilot: Prompts, tips, and use cases

This is a demo of Copilot and Advanced Security features in the context of Adeo.

avatar for Tugdual Grall

Tugdual Grall

Solutions Engineer, Github

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:45am - 12:30pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

11:45am CEST

Micro Front-End Architecture : how to turn your website into a giant collaborative puzzle

You have multiple teams working on the same website, and you're having trouble moving forward together, to achieve and maintain good web performance and a satisfying uptime rate.
If so, micro front-end architecture is an approach you should seriously consider! Imagine your website divided into a multitude of fragments like a puzzle, making your teams autonomous and independent.
7 years after moving to a micro-frontend architecture and migrating 6 of our e-commerce sites internationally, and after having created a dozen multi-technology web applications and portals, we'd like to give you some feedback on this architecture.
  • What is a micro-frontend? Mono or multi-technology? Mono or multi-technology?
  • What kind of infrastructure is needed to support hundreds of prod deployments per month?
  • What is the impact on user experience, web performance, and high availability?
  • How can we reduce the client-side carbon footprint and reduce the load on an infrastructure that is exploding in the number of micro-applications?
  • How can you incrementally overhaul a legacy site without freezing your functional evolution?
  • What impact will this have on team organization? Should we expect reluctance?
Time-to-market, performance and resilience have guided our decisions and made this architecture an obvious choice. With concrete examples, we invite you to immerse yourself in the world of micro-frontends. 

avatar for Ludovic LAGATIE


Software Architect, External for Leroy Merlin France
I have been supporting major brands in the development of their e-commerce site for more than 20 years.I actively participated in the creation of the KOBI micro-frontend solution in 2017 to meet the needs of Leroy Merlin France. the KOBI team quickly grew and KOBI was greatly enriched... Read More →
avatar for Maxime RIBERA


Developer Advocate, Leroy Merlin France

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:45am - 12:30pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

12:00pm CEST


Please register for lunch so that we avoid waste.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm CEST
🥐 Food Corner

1:45pm CEST

GOOGLE - The Power of Imagination: Unlock Home Improvement Dreams with Generative AI

avatar for James DEAN

James DEAN

Global Generative AI GTM Specialist, Google

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:45pm - 2:30pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

2:45pm CEST

How Leroy Merlin Brazil its using Datahub Pipelines in a Data Lakehouse Strategy to delivery data and more value to business

At Leroy Merlin Brazil we’re using data finder pipelines in the construction of our Data Lakehouse to store data from different source systems, thus accelerating the value delivered to the business with more agility, security and governance.

avatar for Bruno Cesar MOTTA

Bruno Cesar MOTTA

Tech Lead, Leroy Merlin Brazil

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

2:45pm CEST

How did Obramax start the Innersource process with ADEO?

In 2023, the Obramax team and the ADEO team began the innersource process to implement the TODOMO app in Brazil.
We will share how the both teams worked together, what the challenges were, lessons learned and results.
We will also present the continuation of the project in 2024 and next steps

avatar for Lucie LEWANDOWSKI


Product Leader, ADEO Services
avatar for Gabriela DAURICIO


Omnicommerce IT Leader, Obramax

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

2:45pm CEST

Test Automation with Playwright

avatar for Pauline DESSINGUE


Transversal Quality Leader, Adeo Services
I have been part of the CCDP Quality Engineering team since its creation in 2021. Before that, I worked on web quality in BU (LMFR). I work closely with the quality leaders of my platform : onboarding, advice, support on quality tools and processes. And in recent months in particular... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

2:45pm CEST

One year later: How Chief is helping to understand our teams productivity?

One year ago, I introduced the concept of Chief at the DevSummit—an initiative aimed at gauging the productivity of our development teams in Brazil through the lens of the Space Framework. In this upcoming presentation, I will delve into the outcomes yielded by Chief, highlighting both its successes and setbacks. We will explore the metrics we've been able to quantify, the obstacles encountered along the way, and our vision for the project's evolution moving forward.

avatar for Glauco Roberto CUNHA

Glauco Roberto CUNHA

Architect and Engineering Director, Leroy Merlin Brazil
Experienced IT Leader, now in charge of Architecture and Engineering at LMBR, leading managers and tech leads and working for LMBR for almost 10 years.Currently co-building the tech strategy and governance as a member of the steering committee and ensuring alignment with the overall... Read More →
avatar for Eduardo ORIGE

Eduardo ORIGE

Tech Lead, Leroy Merlin Brazil
I'm a Software Engineer with a good experience in Python and the Linux environment. I love to talk about programming languages, teams, text editors and old video games. I've been working at Leroy Merlin Brasil since 2020 when I started as a Senior Software Engineer in the Assisted... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

2:45pm CEST

GOOGLE - Data Monetization Unleashed: Turning Raw Bytes into Bottom-Line Impact


Boris Glazman

Data & Analytics Customer Engineer, Google

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:45pm - 3:30pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

2:45pm CEST

Practical seminar: Adding Inner Source Global ready to your product



Developer Advocate, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

3:30pm CEST

Cybersecurity x IA : risks and benefits

This conference will go deeper on "how to protect our new IA products". It will explain first how cybercriminals takes advantage on this new technology to put pressure on company like Adeo and how they hijack them. Then, how in our developments, in our data, in our product we can prevent such cyberattacks here at Adeo.

avatar for Maxime SAVARY


Leroy Merlin France

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

3:30pm CEST

How does Obramax use AI to optimize the quotation process?

At Obramax we focus a lot on a good experience for professional customers.
We invested in 2023 to develop our first AI to optimize the quotation process, and offer a good experience to our professional customers and also optimize the time for our collaborators.
That's why we developped an AI that prepare the quotation based on a list of product description.
With the AI we are improving the time to prepare quotation, and we expect to improve the conversion rate.
Also we will share the next steps of the deveopment for 2024 and 2025.

avatar for Gabriela DAURICIO


Omnicommerce IT Leader, Obramax
avatar for David HOAREAU


Data Leader, Leroy Merlin Brazil
I am David Hoareau.I am French and I live in Brazil since 10 years. I was part of Decathlon and Kiabi in the past and, today, I am the data leader at Obramax. We implemented some data-related innovations in Brazil. I am really passionate about technology and I got the opportunity... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

3:30pm CEST

How to create a global data quality strategy to enable industrialization of HR KPI?

We will talk about importance and means to create BU's accompaniment in order to give them autonomy on their data quality. We will also talk about data governance in a complex environment (hr environment with local laws and global processes). Finally we will talk about collaboration between an analytics team and a product team to enable legal KPI calculation with trustful data



Business process owner, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

3:30pm CEST

HelpBOX: Building a mobile IT support solution

A global feedback about building a mobile IT support solution for our end users. Focused on the team skills, architectural choices, UX centric approach, global platform drawbacks and benefits and more importantly what we would do differently if we have to start again.

avatar for Guillaume LABOURE

Guillaume LABOURE

External for Leroy Merlin France

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

3:30pm CEST

Product and Tech Patterns to globally scale a mobile application

The Leroy Merlin customer mobile app stands for over 20% of Adeo e-commerce GMV accross 5 BUs. We want to talk about the key Product and Tech patterns to scale a mobile application accross several countries and share our key learnings for product and Tech Teams  

avatar for Xavier PARADON


ADEO Services
avatar for Sylvain GUIOT

Sylvain GUIOT

Domain Leader, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

3:45pm CEST

Data & AI in Service of Customer Experience

Rémi is the co-founder of Discovery Discipline.
He used to be PayPal CPO and BlaBlaCar Head of Design.

Every year, groundbreaking tech innovations fail spectacularly, unable to captivate their target users. Why do these flops happen? What can we learn about AI's impact?

avatar for Rémi GUYOT


Discovery Discipline co-founder

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

4:00pm CEST

Open Source Networking

How open-source technologies can be used to perform network functions at scale in our infrastructure

avatar for Julien CUVELIER


Tech Lead, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:00pm - 4:45pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

4:15pm CEST

AI Unleashed: Crafting the future of E-commerce with multimodal product descriptions

We introduce here an innovative approach to product description generation, leveraging the latest advancements in generative AI and multimodal technologies. With the growth of e-commerce, the ability to automatically generate accurate, compelling, and rich product descriptions using AI has become increasingly valuable. Our focus is on a system that integrates inputs from various media types—such as text, images, PDF documents, and videos—to produce comprehensive, engaging product narratives. This approach not only significantly enhances efficiency and scalability for businesses but also aims to provide a more immersive and informative shopping experience for consumers. This method addresses the challenges of interpreting and synthesizing complex data from multiple sources into coherent, descriptive, and appealing product listings. This AI solution has been developed in collaboration with the Google teams.

avatar for Khadidja DASSA

Khadidja DASSA

Data Scientist, ADEO Services
avatar for Jeremy Didier Chatelain

Jeremy Didier Chatelain

Chief Data Officer, Tecnomat
In charge of the technical, cultural, organisational, architectural and governance dimensions of Tecnomat Italia's data-driven transformation(2018-2022) Manager in charge of the data-driven transformation of Leroy Merlin Brazil(2015-2018) Data project manager for marketing, digital... Read More →
avatar for Jorge Zaldivar

Jorge Zaldivar

Strategic AI engineer, Google
avatar for Zineb Naha

Zineb Naha

consultant, Google

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

4:15pm CEST

From Retrieval to Generation: Unraveling RAG Techniques with Language Models

In this talk, we will present the main concepts of a RAG and capabilities. We will create an application from scratch using LlamaIndex.

Explains what RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) and what problem does it solves
Vectorize your documents and store them into a Vector Database
Build a retrieval mechanism - Generate query embedding, Vector, Keyword based, both!
Re-rank the documents that are more aligned with user queries
Evaluate your responses
Create prompts with LlamaIndex

At the end of this talk, you will be able to understand the main RAG concepts, what you can do using LLM's and of course what the limitations you can find through trying to build a RAG.

avatar for Guilherme GUITTE

Guilherme GUITTE

Product Leader, ADEO Services
👋🏻 Hello! I'm Guilherme. Digital Product Leader of Recommendation & Push at ADEO, also co-Chair TOC on Tech Governance - you may know us through our brands like Leroy Merlin, Zodio, Bricoman…  Former Tech Lead - Leroy Merlin Brazil. Brazilian 6y in Lille, France.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

4:15pm CEST

Shared Libraries: advantages & disadvantages, how to start?

avatar for Damien VANDERSTRICHT


External for ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

4:15pm CEST

Empowering efficiency with business process management & automation

Business process management helps us to design and formalize our processes. From this management, we can improve our efficiency and help to take the best decisions. Automation and AI can help to boost and optimize processes,  enhancing user experience and productivity.  How can we work and what are the solutions?

avatar for Camille SAAD

Camille SAAD

Business Product Leader, ADEO Services
avatar for Anna UKLANSKA


Leroy Merlin Poland

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

4:15pm CEST

Insights Hub: Quick, Personalized and Mobile Data Insights using LLM

Imagine having a powerful tool that instantly answers business questions using cutting-edge artificial intelligence, reducing the need for multiple dashboards. Our innovative solution analyzes vast amounts of data, integrating it to deliver clear, customized responses that empower decision-makers.

Our advanced platform leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) combined with sophisticated prompt engineering and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques to address business inquiries with accuracy and efficiency.

Key Highlights:

  • Customized Responses: Using NL2SQL for data retrieval and connecting to BigQuery, we format and integrate data to provide personalized and precise answers to users’ questions.
  • Visual Presentation: Information is presented in a visually engaging manner, including charts and graphs, making it easier to interpret and act upon.
  • Information Governance: A dedicated layer for information governance ensures that all data access adheres to internal definitions, providing confidence in the integrity and privacy of the information.
  • Multi-Channel Insights: We deliver reports and insights via WhatsApp to defined audiences, enhancing engagement and enabling targeted notifications based on business strategy.
  • And Much More! These highlights are just the beginning. There are numerous additional features and benefits that we can't wait to share with you.

We look forward to seeing you there!


avatar for Etienne VANHAECKE


Data Scientist, Leroy Merlin Brazil
Professional experience of more than 20 years developed in the Technology and Projects area in medium and large IT and retail companies in France, since 2008 in Brazil working in large French companies in the Retail segment (Carrefour and Leroy Merlin).During the period based in France... Read More →
avatar for Leandro Marcelo Galvão

Leandro Marcelo Galvão

Data Supervisor, Leroy Merlin Brazil
In my role as a Data Supervisor at Leroy Merlin Brazil for nearly two years, I have been successfully leading Offer and Supply data initiatives. By leveraging my background in data management, team leadership, and administrative processes, my team and I have achieved excellent results... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:15pm - 5:00pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

5:00pm CEST

Data Build Tool and Beyond: Advancing Data Quality Management

In our journey towards becoming an AI-driven enterprise, one of the cornerstones is ensuring the quality of our data. This conference will focus on leveraging DBT (data build tool) and Elementary to achieve precisely that high-quality data that fuels our AI ambitions.

We'll explore how these tools can be contextualized within our organizational framework and integrated into our existing workflows. Throughout the conference, you’ll gain an understanding of dbt's role in modern data workflows, develop data modeling and transformation pipelines, and implement strategies for automated data quality testing.

Participating in “Data Build Tool and Beyond: Advancing Data Quality Management” is taking one step towards unlocking the full potential of ADEO data.

avatar for Chaima ARAIBI


Data Engineer, ADEO Services
avatar for Danilo CHADZHENOVICH
avatar for David TEITE


Lead Data Engineer, ADEO Services
I'm a Adeo Lead Data Engineer on CCDP.
avatar for Ronan OBERT


Data Engineer, External for ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:00pm - 5:45pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

5:00pm CEST

Unlocking LLM Potential with Google Cloud: A Decision-Tree Approach

In the rapidly evolving world of generative AI, selecting the right Large Language Model (LLM) is critical for success. This session provides a clear roadmap for navigating the LLM landscape.
Through a decision-tree approach, we'll explore key factors like use case, data requirements and budget. By the end, you'll have a powerful tool for confidently selecting the optimal text or image LLM, ensuring your projects achieve their full potential.

avatar for Matthieu Blanc

Matthieu Blanc

Machine Learning Product Specialist, Google
Machine Learning Engineer by training and former entrepreneur, Matthieu has helped numerous companies build their data and ML strategy. He is now a Machine Learning Product Specialist at Google Cloud.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:00pm - 5:45pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

5:00pm CEST

Less is more: Speeding up the software quality for ADEO Global products

On this session, we will share with all participants how we started the QA Team in LMES on January 2023 and we have challenging goals last year:

- Making a QA Team
- Increasing the testing automation
- Using Xray for reusing tests and mapping business process with testing, bugs and results
- Integrating the QA team mates in all squads
- Creation a robust regression testing process
- Adopting to Adeo Quality Experience standards
- Add our experience to Starter Hub applications
- Reduce the QA budget to meet the "less is more" strategy

avatar for Ivàn FERNANDEZ


Head of Quality, Leroy Merlin Spain
Computer science engineer and MBB (Master Black Belt) for the ASQ (American Society of Quality) 14 month on my current position in Leroy Merlin Spain. I've working on companies like Aegon insurances, BULL, VOLKWAGEN Financial services, I dedicate my professional carrer on Quality... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:00pm - 5:45pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

5:00pm CEST

Elevate your product strategy with continuous discovery

Have you ever developped on your own a feature, or even a product that hasn't been used ?
Have you developped the "must have feature" request from a "can't say no to" stakeholder that killed your roadmap ?

Let's see together how involving your daily customers/users (through interviews, workshops, surveys, User Journey Mapping etc...) can bring data-driven decisions to your product management: identify opportunities, validate/deny hypothesis, design the best user journeys ever.

We'll come back on the past year at DataHub where UX research has come part of the product development's journey.

avatar for Clément WAWRZYNIAK


UX Researcher, ADEO Services
 Lead UX research (GTDP), PhD in cognitive-psychology & ergonomics, 5 years as human factors & ergonomics professor.
avatar for Conan DUVIVIER


Product Owner, ADEO Services
I've been the Product Owner of Data Finder in the DataHub (GTDP) since October 2022 !Passionate by Product Management, Discovery and Beers (can be all at once)

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:00pm - 5:45pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

5:00pm CEST

Integrating UX seamlessly into process

This workshop proposal is articulated to facilitate a collaborative exploration of seamlessly integrating the UX team into project timelines and phases. Participants from various fields and teams will collaboratively establish a functional framework, discussing key topics such as the optimal involvement of designers across project phases and the expected deliverables and outcomes. The primary objective of this interactive workshop is to promote clarity and alignment to achieve optimal project outcomes while enhancing the overall collaborative experience and effectiveness of teamwork

avatar for Vincenzo BISCEGLIA


UX Designer, Leroy Merlin Italy
avatar for Dornaz VAZIFEHAALI


UX Designer, External for Leroy Merlin Italy

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:00pm - 5:45pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

5:00pm CEST

Code Quantum

Come with me and start your journey towards Quantum Computing! During this hands-on session we will discover Quantum Computing fundamentals, by meeting Hadamard, Pauli and Toffoli. Cherry on the cake: we will write our first Quantum Circuit, and hopefully run it in the Cloud.

avatar for François SERRA

François SERRA

ML Engineer / MLOps / Versatilist, ADEO Services

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

5:15pm CEST

Sales Concierge - Using GenAI to improve our customers' purchasing experience

The Sales Concierge is a chatbot, powered-by GenAI, developed to humanize the online shopping experience. Its main objective is to offer service that resembles in-store assistance, providing quick and efficient responses, suggesting decoration ideas, and helping customers with personalized recommendations according to our commercial strategy.

Among its features, the Concierge stands out for its deep product knowledge, suggestions for complementary items, and decoration ideas that help customers visualize new possibilities for their homes. The chatbot is designed to ensure that customers feel they are receiving personalized and attentive service, reflecting Leroy Merlin's commitment to customer satisfaction.

With the Sales Concierge, Leroy Merlin's customers have access to an innovative tool that elevates the online shopping experience, ensuring they never feel unsupported when making their choices in the "Home of Your Home."

avatar for Rafael Cordeiro

Rafael Cordeiro

AI Technical Leader, Leroy Merlin Brazil
I'm the AI Technical Leader at LMBR.I am an educator of machines and people.I train machines to think and perceive the world like humans, and I also teach people not to be like machines, but how to deal with them.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:15pm - 5:45pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

6:00pm CEST


Let's celebrate and reward altogether the best innersource initiatives and achievements within the Group! 

avatar for Matthieu GRYMONPREZ


Digital Data Global Leader, ADEO

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:00pm - 6:45pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

6:30pm CEST

🎷 Cocktails & Party: A Night of Music, Food, and Fun!🍸

This party is not to miss!

Come and enjoy food & cocktails!
Our saxophonist and DJ will play along, are you ready to dance? 😁

(Please register for this evening, this will allow us to order the right amount of food and avoid waste)

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:30pm - 11:30pm CEST
Thursday, June 6

8:30am CEST

9:30am CEST

Start with one, build for all: How to involve users from different Business Unit in design process?

When the time comes to onboard a new business unit on a new tool or service it’s always important to involve UX experts in order to understand any alternative or new needs, and define insights to transform them into opportunities for everyone. An overview of the approach and methodology.

avatar for Alice DELIA


UX Designer, External for Leroy Merlin Italy

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

9:30am CEST

Tailoring Solutions to Fit Our Needs

In this speech, we explore the intricacies of design systems, highlighting their immense value while acknowledging their inherent limitations. We delve into the challenges faced when adopting pre-existing design systems and discuss strategies for tailoring them to suit our unique organisational needs. By examining case studies and best practices, we demonstrate practical approaches for effectively integrating design systems into our workflows while mitigating potential drawbacks. Ultimately, this presentation aims to empower our audience with the knowledge and tools needed to harness the full potential of our design system while exploring their limitations and ways to adopt it with confidence and creativity.

avatar for Dornaz VAZIFEHAALI


UX Designer, External for Leroy Merlin Italy

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

9:30am CEST

Beauty Tech in L'Oréal

avatar for Béatrice DAUTZENBERG


Global Director of Beauty Tech Services, L'ORÉAL

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 10:15am CEST
📣 Amphitheater

9:30am CEST

Strengthening the Digital Shield: The Power of Purple Teams in Securing Digital Transformation

Digital transformation must go hand in hand with digital security: the progressively increasing reliance on the digital ecosystem inevitably leads to a proliferation of risks and threats that must be correctly identified and mitigated.
The smartest way to do this is by being aware of what these risks and threats are: we’ll borrow some basic concepts from criminal profiling and apply them to the digital landscape to draw the picture of our typical attacker and their modus operandi.
Once we understand what could likely happen to us, we can more effectively protect against it.
The caveat is that even the most robust threat profile would be useless unless properly acted on, which can only be achieved through a collective effort encompassing different teams. 
In this talk we’ll see how threats can be modeled and how we can make this information actionable, with the final goal of building an infrastructure that is capable of withstanding cyber attacks and actively contributing to producing business value. 

avatar for Giulia MOSCHINI


Head of Cybersecurity, Leroy Merlin Italy
At Leroy Merlin Italy, I am responsible for the cybersecurity strategy definition and execution. Since 2022 I work with Bricocenter, Tecnomat, GoLilla and LMGR cybersec teams as part of the Italian Cybersecurity Defense Platform.

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 10:15am CEST
📝 Workshop Room

10:00am CEST

Recommendation System: how we mix data, product, and tech in-house to assist the customers in their choice.

Let's take the audience through the challenges and successes of Opus Recommendation: We will unveil the backstage of ADEO Recommendation System, focusing on delivering value to the customer and to the company.
I will include a REX on what team organization works best for us.

avatar for Guilherme GUITTE

Guilherme GUITTE

Product Leader, ADEO Services
👋🏻 Hello! I'm Guilherme. Digital Product Leader of Recommendation & Push at ADEO, also co-Chair TOC on Tech Governance - you may know us through our brands like Leroy Merlin, Zodio, Bricoman…  Former Tech Lead - Leroy Merlin Brazil. Brazilian 6y in Lille, France.
avatar for Victoria LORTHIOIS


Business Product Leader, ADEO Services
I am Business Product Leader for Opus Recommendation & Push, within the Adeo CCDP.Bringing my marketing background to the table, I mix Product Strategy with Business & Tech Acumen to deliver impactful customer-centric experiences.My previous experiences in Berlin, Manila, and Amsterdam... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

10:15am CEST

ADEO - The LYS Product - How does it become possible to deploy a new Loyalty Program Strategy in a few weeks?

We will share with you our LYS success stories and failures, from the idea of building a new ADEO homemade Product to the loyalty business transformation of our BUs !

- Our Product vision,
- Our Product strategy,
- Our MVP approach : concept confirmation and then scalability,
- Our Product integration strategy into the CCDP ecosystem : transversal but independent.
- Our Product deployment strategy
- Our business added values for our BUs and Customers
- Our ambition for the future.

avatar for Lucie LESAGE


Digital Product Leader, ADEO Services
avatar for Souhaiel NOUIRA

Souhaiel NOUIRA

Project Director, ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:15am - 11:00am CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

10:30am CEST

Gen AI - Better call your lawyer

Сonsequences of the AI regulations updates through the prisme of use cases.

avatar for Nadia Lamrhari

Nadia Lamrhari

Head of Legal - Google, Google
avatar for Pascale LE GIGAN

Pascale LE GIGAN

Lawyer, ADEO Services
In-house lawyer but not only : former engineer and product manager in DIY and detergent environnement. I'm used to translate new regulations and to acculturate attendees to this foreign language that is "law".
avatar for Valériane MICHE

Valériane MICHE

Lawyer, ADEO Services
avatar for Olga CHERNUTA


Lawyer, ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

10:30am CEST

Implementing real SRE: Error budget policy

 After 3 years of implementing SLO, it's time to move to the next level : implementing real SRE, including error budget measures and applying consequences if the QOS is not reached.
At the end of this talk, you'll know everything about how to do it @scale.

avatar for Jean-François ROMPAIS

Jean-François ROMPAIS

Head of Operations, ADEO Services
Head of operations of CCDP

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

10:30am CEST

GOOGLE - Unleash your organization performance by adopting Platform Engineering principles

Platform Engineering is a DevOps practice focused on optimizing the organization performance.
When "you build it, you run it" does not scale anymore across the enterprise, Platform Engineering helps by simplifying the developer journeys and defining "golden paths".
In this session, you will learn why and when Platform Engineering can become relevant in your organization, what "golden paths" are, and the keys to adopt this new paradigm at scale.

avatar for Nicolas PINTAUX


Customer Engineer, Google

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am CEST
🎤 Little Stage

10:30am CEST

Building products for 21 years: The learnings and failings of a unicorn

Rodrigo is a co-founder and AI Product Manager at OutSystems.
Since co-founding the company in 2001, he has had a decisive participation in the design and vision of the product, in particular, its architecture and visual language.
From day one, he focused on developing innovative and pragmatic ways to increase the speed of delivery of enterprise applications. He is now responsible for doubling down on this goal by using AI to increase productivity by an order of magnitude.

avatar for Rodrigo Sousa Coutinho

Rodrigo Sousa Coutinho

Co-founder and AI Product Manager, OutSystems

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am CEST
📣 Amphitheater

11:00am CEST

Cultivating Success: The Transformative Impact of Data Science Culture on Acceleration - Insights (REX) from Project Cerebro

Imagine transforming your organization's approach to innovation, productivity, and efficiency—Project Cerebro has done just that. Project Cerebro isn't just a case study—it's proof that the right blend of technology, culture, and vision can lead to astounding results. Discover the magic of community-driven development, where sharing and collaboration turn individual challenges into collective triumphs. We'll reveal the secret behind eliminating costs and turbocharging productivity with a groundbreaking models catalogue, streamline MLOps for seamless operations, and ensure the longevity of your data science investments with smart model maintenance. Join us for a journey into the heart of data science innovation. Whether you're looking to slash costs, boost efficiency, or steer your team towards unprecedented innovation, this talk has the insights you need.

avatar for Piotr LACZKOWSKI


Leroy Merlin France
Fuelled by a passion for innovation, my career is rooted in the dynamic world of Parisian unicorn startups where I was building highly efficient data teams (BackMarket, Vestiaire Collective), and I am currently the Head of Data Science at LMFR. My extensive experience spans AI, Machine... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

11:00am CEST

Effortless Deployment Automation with AAP: A Practical Workshop

Come prepared with your laptop to dive right into action! In this workshop, you'll have the opportunity to create a product deployment from scratch. Using the Adeo Application Platform (AAP), we'll guide you through deploying a basic product including a database and a “hello world” API. Get ready to experience how seamless deployment will be. Don't miss out on this opportunity to understand better your future application platform capabilities! 

avatar for Olivier PAYELLE


External for ADEO Services

Emmanuel QUINET

ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

11:15am CEST

Data everywhere: Unleashing the power of what you already have

In the digital age, data is essential for business success. Product teams are increasingly using data to make better decisions, build better products, and improve customer experiences. However, traditional approaches to data management can be slow, inflexible, and difficult to scale. Let talk about new approach to data management that is inspired by the principles of microservices and Domain-Driven Design (DDD). To makes data more accessible, agile, and scalable.
This talk is for product managers, software engineers, and data scientists who want to help their teams be more successful.

avatar for Fabian HUTIN

Fabian HUTIN

Technical Leader of Data Processing Capacity, ADEO Services
Data Platform Builder for about 8 years.I have a deep understanding of how data works in complex environments like ours.
avatar for Mustapha BENOSMANE


Domain Leader, ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:15am - 11:45am CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

11:15am CEST

Next Generation of Chatbot

Chatbot : Concrete use cases of Leroy Merlin chatbot using AI through RAG to narrow the conversation with custome

avatar for Fabien DOBBY

Fabien DOBBY

External for ADEO Services
avatar for Victor BOUY

Victor BOUY

External for ADEO Services
avatar for Stéphane HAMEL

Stéphane HAMEL

Product Leader, ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:15am - 11:45am CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

11:15am CEST

HUBVISORY.COM - How to build a Positive Product?

Twitter, Tik-tok, Youtube…many products are accused of having harmful effects. So, how can we build more responsible products?

Twitter accused of promoting cyber-harassment. Fortnite, sued for its “dark patterns”. Booking condemned for non-compliance with French regulations in the tourism sector. Tik-tok, Youtube and Instagram accused of seriously harming the mental health of adolescents.

Yesterday we admired these products.
Today we reject them.

We spend on average 2.5 hours per day on social networks. We will spend 27 years of our lives behind screens using the products that we, Product People, build.

As Product Managers, Product Designers or Product Engineers, we have a huge impact on millions of people.

As Product People, we have a real responsibility: to build products that have a positive impact for our users, our society and our environment.

This is the subject of my conference: why and how to build responsible products, products with positive impacts.

During this talk, I will focus on 3 topics:
* The subject of “Product Accessibility” or how to make our product available to the most vulnerable users, particularly those with disabilities;
* The subject of “Sustainable Product” or how to have a positive environmental impact;
* The subject of “Ethical Product” or how to limit our “dark patterns” on our products.



Co-Founder and CPO, Hubvisory

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:15am - 11:45am CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

11:30am CEST

Bridging Silos: Transforming Collaboration through Innersourcing for AI Success

In the dynamic DIY retail sector, combining artificial intelligence (AI) with innersourcing principles represents a significant change in how we innovate and collaborate. As advocates for this shift within ADEO, we, the Data Responsible for a business unit and the Platform Product Manager for AI, are excited to share our insights at this conference, highlighting the potential benefits of long-term investment in AI and innersourcing.

By embracing innersourcing, which promotes collaborative development and knowledge sharing within organizations, we emphasize the important role of individuals in driving innovation and fostering a culture where teams can work together to solve complex challenges, iterate quickly, and deliver impactful AI solutions. From organizing data to implementing models, we will show how this collaborative approach speeds up innovation, improves decision-making, and maximizes value creation.

We invite you to join us in promoting a culture of collaboration, transparency, and communication, where innersourcing helps us unlock the full potential of AI. Together, let's propel our DIY retail enterprise towards unprecedented levels of agility, innovation, and success.

avatar for Gwendal YVIQUEL


Adeo Services
avatar for Luis REIS


Architect, Leroy Merlin Portugal

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

11:30am CEST

GOOGLE - Sustainable IT as a shared responsibility journey

At Google, we strive to build sustainability into everything we do Operating our business in an environmentally sustainable way has always been a core value. We think there’s a lot to be proud of—but there’s also a lot more important work to do ( Sustainable Development Principles)

avatar for Vincent PONCET

Vincent PONCET

Cloud Sustainability Specialist, Google

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:30am - 12:15pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

12:00pm CEST

Ray is all you need: From Pandas to LLMs

New day - New data framework! It so hard to stay tuned with fast changing data world.
Today Ray framework is gaining a lot of popularity and trust in the data community - OpenAI, Netflix, Uber use it train their models. Now Adeo?!
We will share our journey on trying to bypass the CPU / RAM limitations and increasing efficiency of model training and data processing.
This presentation is for you if you want:
- Seamlessly switch between Pandas, TensorFlow, and LightGBM.
- Accelerate training and serving for lightning-fast results.
- Optimize memory consumption and boost efficiency.
- Unlock parallelization at every stage.
- Enhance I/O performance with BigQuery and GCS.
- Dream of tuning and serving your own LLMs.

avatar for François SERRA

François SERRA

ML Engineer / MLOps / Versatilist, ADEO Services
avatar for Nail Khunsainov

Nail Khunsainov

ML Engineer, ADEO Services
Cooking ML models in different ways for the last 7 years
avatar for AYA NAJARE


MLOps, Adeo Services
MLOps apprentice who’s eager to learn continuously. She will be introducing you to an efficient framework for your ML stack: Ray.

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

12:00pm CEST

Status Page - An engineering journey towards DevOps agility

Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a crucial phase in the journey of any product development, demanding agility, collaboration, and a focus on delivering value quickly. This paper presents an integrated approach to accelerate MVP development by leveraging Domain-Driven Design (DDD), a mono repo strategy, and Extreme Programming (XP) practices.
Domain-Driven Design offers a structured methodology for modeling complex domains, ensuring software solutions resonate closely with real-world requirements. Concurrently, a mono repo approach streamlines codebase management, fostering seamless collaboration and facilitating swift prototyping and iteration. Complementing these methodologies, Extreme Programming promotes tight collaboration between developers and stakeholders, continual feedback loops, and a focus on simplicity and quality. By synthesizing these approaches, development teams can accelerate the MVP development process, iterate on features, and deliver value to stakeholders with unprecedented speed and precision. Through empirical evidence and practical insights, this paper underscores the efficacy of integrating DDD, mono repo, and XP practices in accelerating  MVP development on the Status Page project, enabling the tech team to navigate the complexities of the project and the product development with more confidence.

avatar for Paulo PIRIQUITO


External for Leroy Merlin Portugal
avatar for Micael ROSA

Micael ROSA

Engineering Manager, Leroy Merlin Portugal
As Engineering Manager, I'm the leader of Engineering team in Leroy Merlin Portugal. I'm passionate about Software Development in Cloud environments and driving business growth through digital tools. My main goal is to have innovative solutions that contribute to the company's objectives... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

12:00pm CEST

From Digital Domain Leader to Business Domain Leader: First takeaways

A few months ago, ADEO Omnicommerce leader has designed a new organization with the will to better align the Business Units on the business processes, objectives and tools.
This has impacted CCDP platform, regarding its "Business" practice : part of the jobs have migrated to Omnicommerce teams, and the CCDP business teams now need to reposition their action on product management, focused on its business aspects : discovery, design, marketing and outcomes delivery. This transition is a real journey, with different steps.
This is a major change for the CCDP platform, that unlocks many opportunities.
2 Digital Domain Leaders, Cécile and Sylvain, have experienced the switch from the Digital to the Business practice during the past months and are pleased to share with the summit attendees their first takeaways and projections for the future of Product Management in ADEO. Stéphane Lebas, CCDP's Business Platform Leader will also share some perspectives with us during the talk.

avatar for Sylvain GUIOT

Sylvain GUIOT

Domain Leader, ADEO Services
avatar for Stéphane LEBAS

Stéphane LEBAS

Business Platform Leader - CCDP, ADEO Services
avatar for Cécile BERTINCOURT


Business Domain Leader, ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

12:00pm CEST


Please register for lunch so that we avoid waste.

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm CEST
🥐 Food Corner

1:45pm CEST

Supercharge In-Store Salesperson Support: Implementing an Expert Chatbot for Complex Customer Questions

In today's competitive retail landscape, delivering exceptional customer service is paramount. In this tech talk, we will explore how leveraging advanced text embedding and GenAI techniques this chatbot enables salespersons to address complex customer questions with ease and efficiency. We will delve into the architecture and working principles of the RAG AI framework, highlighting how it combines the power of generative models with intelligent retrieval mechanisms to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses. Through a live demo, we will demonstrate the potential impact of this technology on salesmen knowledge and customer satisfaction.

avatar for Fabio BALLABIO


Data Scientist, Leroy Merlin Italy
Hi! I am a dedicated data scientist holding an MSc in Computer Science and Engineering.Over the past years, I have applied my technical skills to various industries, ranging from automotive to utilities and retail landing in Leroy Merlin Italy on January 2024. In my free time I am... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:30pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

1:45pm CEST

Unleashing Innovation: How Google's Open AI Models Are Revolutionizing the Enterprise Landscape

Gemma, Google's family of open and lightweight generative models, empowers enterprises with cutting-edge capabilities by fostering open collaboration and responsible AI development. Gemma accelerates innovation, enabling businesses to harness the power of generative AI to solve real-world challenges. Come to hear the why and the what they were designed for at Google Deepmind by the research team that created them.

avatar for Armand Joulin

Armand Joulin

Director at Google Deepmind, Google
Armand is a research director at Google DeepMind, leading the open-sourcing of Gemini, called Gemma. Previously, he was the director of EMEA for the FAIR Meta.

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:30pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

2:00pm CEST

Dataviz Toolkit for PowerBI

We will talk about a generalized toolkit usable by all adeo data analyst to shorten the delivery of dashboards

avatar for Luc-Simon LIAGRE

Luc-Simon LIAGRE

Data Analyst, ADEO Services
avatar for Florent LABIAUSSE


External for ADEO Services
avatar for Julien CHARLES-DONATIEN


Data Analyst, ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:30pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

2:45pm CEST

How to manage your IT ops & Asset management inside a powerbi Dashboard

Global feedback about the construction of our powerbi dashboard, using Servicenow Data and external data (incident/request/change/problem/asset management, CIP, Animation of service level board)
The purpose of this dashboard is to be used by ops, PO/PL, manager, top leader.


Vincent CHRIST

Leroy Merlin France
avatar for Simon BESNAULT


Leroy Merlin France
avatar for Matthieu CROCCEL

Matthieu CROCCEL

Service Delivery Manager, Leroy Merlin France
Matthieu CROCCEL at LMFR since August 2017, currently Service Delivery manager within the digital tech platform, I manage a third party LMFR level 1 support contract which consists of servicedesk support and the delivery of IT equipment to the store/warehouse/IS, I also participate... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

2:45pm CEST

Make Innersource a reality

The word Innersource is trendy at adeo and is often provided as a miracle solution when a team does not have the time necessary to prioritize a subject. Is this really the solution to all our problems? how powerful is the innersrouce? Does it have limits? Can we develop everything in innersource? When can we say that innersource development is a success? After participating in a great innersource project, what advice can we give to future teams who would like to try the experience?
Here is the shared vision of 2 teams (hosts and collaborators) from 2 CCDP domains, who embarked on the innersource adventure to accelerate the release of a highly anticipated feature. This is the story of a great collaboration between the developers involved. Here is our story :)

avatar for Hugo TEMBREMANDE


Tech Lead, ADEO Services
I'm Hugo, tech lead on Search & Pub of the CCDP platform. My team and I focus on optimizing categories and the navigation of the Leroy Merlin website. Excited to share insights from our collaboration around innersource.

Clothilde LINNE

Tech Lead, ADEO Services
I'm Clothilde, Tech lead on CXP domain of CCDP platform. It's been 8 years that I work on leroy merlin website as a developer and I just became tech lead of my team.

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

2:45pm CEST

Path to an Individual Contributor Career Path

In this talk, we will relate how the industry has converged toward an Individual Contributor career path for engineering, several key implementation, pitfalls and advantages. Finally, we will tell you how Adeo will deploy an Engineering Individual Career Path based on this industry feedback.

avatar for Tiphaine DUBOIS

Tiphaine DUBOIS

HR Business Partner GTDP, ADEO Services
avatar for Pierre Lemperière

Pierre Lemperière

Deputy CTO, ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

2:45pm CEST

I delegated My product, why it is cool?

During this talk, we explain why we decided to take the leadership of a technical Product at BU level and how we work together, between Adeo Services and FRLM network team, to deliver a technical Product "as a Service" to other BUs.

avatar for Mathilde MAJOT

Mathilde MAJOT

Domain Leader, ADEO Services
I'm the Domain Leader for Network since 5 years. I have been a Network Engineer at the beginning of my career and then I became in charge of organizing different technical topics. Moreover, I worked on mobile application delivery.
avatar for Sylvain VASSEUR


Engineer, Leroy Merlin France

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

2:45pm CEST

Green 4 IT - How to reduce our digital impact?

We will talk about a data product to reduce our carbon impact on digital solutions, including hardware assets.

avatar for Brice PASIAN


ADEO Services
avatar for Sébastien FOULON

Sébastien FOULON

Product Leader, ADEO Services
I'm working on the Be Positive domain, as the Adeo Positive Index product Leader

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:45pm - 3:30pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

2:45pm CEST

Accelerating Business Impact of Journey Management - Applying Adeo's New Global Framework with TheyDo

Let's face it - It's difficult to be customer centric! As big organizations, we often have to work in silos, and being customer centric would mean too much manual work to get aligned, with not enough real-time data to support us, thus R&D resources are inevitably wasted with duplicated effort. In the quest to seek an operation model that supports customer centricity, many large companies start to leverage the power of Customer Journeys, and are becoming Journey-centric. In this talk, we will focus on the key business impact of Journey Management, in the context of Adeo's new Global Framework as a key instrument for standardization. We will also discuss how Journey Management can be operationalized on different levels of the organization with multiple stakeholders, and how to start small and scale fast. 

avatar for Tingting LIN

Tingting LIN

Senior Journey Management Coach, TheyDo
Tingting Lin works as the Senior Enablement Manager at TheyDo, with a strong focus on coaching customers across different industries all around the world on topics about using and scaling TheyDo and Journey Management workflows.Prior to TheyDo, and for over 12 years, she has been... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:45pm - 3:30pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

2:45pm CEST

Container & Security

The emergence of containers has been a true revolution, as they have made it considerably easier and faster to deploy applications. With them have come new risks, but also new security opportunities.
Let's put some "Sec" back into DevOps and look at best practices for creating images and using containers in Docker and Kubernetes.

avatar for Sébastien BAILLET

Sébastien BAILLET

After many years in development and architecture, I discovered a passion for cybersecurity. Today, I help project teams and organizations implement DevSecOps.

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

3:30pm CEST

Build the Data Product that your consumer will love!

Everybody must be aware of the "Data Product Mindshift" to be commited to data and transform the company from Data Driven to AI Driven.
Data Product is not just a dataset, it is much more! Your consumers deserve Data Products with good quality, easy to use for every usage, real-time, analytics, semantic layer...
Learn how to provide the best data usage experience that will benefit to an AI Driven company.

avatar for Carine Chevreux

Carine Chevreux

Data Management Leader, ADEO Services
avatar for Adrien VERCOUTERE


Product Manager, ADEO Services
Product Manager of the Data Governance capacity

Thursday June 6, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

3:30pm CEST

Scoring boosting search: modeling for search engine

This project customizes search results according to product performance, using data such as ecommerce visits, ecommerce transactions and revenue, store revenue and others.
Using a mathematical model to calculate and attribute to the product the total score, the project is also adaptable to new data and can have variables added according to the needs of the business teams. This projecthas impact across several areas of the company and can generate insights for both ecommerce teams and store teams about product availability and other strategies.
The model has the possibility of being improved to assist Supply teams and Offer teams with intelligent information about product performance. The results obtained through A/B testing and impact on metrics such as "find product", purchase intention and conversion rate will be presented.

avatar for Vitoria PRADO

Vitoria PRADO

Data Supervisor and Agile Master, Leroy Merlin Brazil
I am data supervisor and agile master at LEROY MERLIN Brasil, and leader of the Web Analytics datateam, responsible for monitoring the governance and standardization for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4, and improve the website performance and intelligent data collection... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

3:30pm CEST

CyberLabs – A journey to find Cybert Threats and improve our environment

We will present Cyberlabs, a project focused on creating an environment designed to identify and address cybersecurity threats, optimizing infrastructure and applications, as well as educating users about cybersecurity awareness.

Cyberlabs incorporates a range of tools aimed at both defense and attack, in addition to offering operating systems similar to real-world environments to simulate attacks from potential malicious entities (e.g. LAPSUS$, Lockbit, Lazarus).

Additionally, Cyberlabs provides metrics to assess the security status of various assets, such as stores, warehouses, offices and cloud environments, all monitored and integrated with our technology KPIs.

Strategic projects also emerged from Cyberlabs to identify major vulnerabilities in the environment, such as our Firewall evolution project and the integration of one of the Cyberlabs tools (Cymulate) with a Global tool (Cybereason) that reduced the perimeter by 50% of EDR exploration.”

Therefore, we have obtained significant benefits from Cyberlabs, including greater agility in identifying and testing vulnerabilities, optimizing infrastructure, mitigating potential attack vectors, and financial savings by reducing external expenses for cybersecurity services.



Cyber Operations Manager, Leroy Merlin Brazil
I'm Erick, cyber operations manager at LMBR. I have been working with IT for 13 years and 3 years dedicated only to Cybersecurity, where I found my goal. I have also worked for Leroy Merlin since 2020. I have a degree in Information Systems, Cyber Defense and right now finish my postgraduate... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

3:30pm CEST

Design vs Reality: A Product Manager's Approach with a UX mindset. Dr. Tickets Case Study

This workshop proposal aims to establish a standardized template or methodology for facilitating the seamless handover of projects from designers to developers. Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, participants will contribute to the development of a comprehensive handover framework tailored to our organization's specific needs.

avatar for Grazia COLUCCI


Head of UX, Leroy Merlin Italy

Thursday June 6, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

3:45pm CEST

Tech Explained to Tech Newbies

As a digital project leader, have you ever wanted to understand what your teams are talking about? Have you ever felt in the dark when your tech lead told you that his pods were restarting in a loop on Turbine? Or, as a business project leader, suspicious when your team told you that this new shiny and mandatory feature for the business will take two months to develop and test ?
If so, this presentation is for you! I don't claim to be able to teach you everything in an hour, but at least to give you the varnish you need to better understand the gobbledygook your teams are using.
So if the terms Cloud, Software Architecture, Container, CICD or Kubernetes ring hollow to you, you're welcome to join us in this journey in the world of Adeo’s tech !

avatar for Marcel MARQUEZ


Software Architect, ADEO Services
I'm Marcel Marquez, currently Software Architect in the SCDP within the Customer Delivery domain.I describe myself as a techie, a Java enthusiast but also a craftmanship lover.As a Software Architect, i'm in charge of spreading the good practices inside my domain and my platform on... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage
  • Subject Product Management
  • about I'm Marcel Marquez, currently Software Architect in the SCDP within the Customer Delivery domain.<br>I describe myself as a techie, a Java enthusiast but also a craftmanship lover.<br>As a Software Architect, i'm in charge of spreading the good practices inside my domain and my platform on how to develop good technical products, that satisfy both customers AND teams in their day-to-day work. <br>I lead the tech leaders community inside my domain, but also all devops aspects of our products to tend to more industrialization, in order to deliver faster and better.<br>I'm also myself a tech leader, to stay close to the code and better understand how to shape our products, and i'm eager to share my knowledge with our technical community to help each others to elevate as a tech company.<br>I've already lead some talks, with a large audience, but not in tech (i'm a former biologist). I regularly work with our foreign colleagues, like LMES BU for RLO project, and I'm comfortable with english presentation.

3:45pm CEST


Let's celebrate altogether the best AI innovation within ADEO! 

avatar for Wassim M'SALLEM


ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 3:45pm - 5:15pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater

4:00pm CEST

GOOGLE - Are you really ready for Log4j #2? or how to secure your Software Supply Chain properly.

Since the Log4J crisis at the end of 2021, the security of the Software Supply Chain has moved front and center in all organizations. How do you make sure that our code IP remains secure? How can you trust the open-source dependencies that are included in your software? How can you protect your CI/CD delivery chain as well as your deployment environments from intrusion? How would you react tomorrow if a ""new Log4j"" crisis happened?
In this session, you will learn how the industry is approaching these challenges, and how you can implement the proper guardrails in your software delivery practices.

avatar for Nicolas PINTAUX


Customer Engineer, Google

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:00pm - 4:45pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

4:15pm CEST

How can data quality have a greater impact on the Business Product?

Share the importance of data quality in data/ digital products to help businesses make better decisions. How do we do it? And here are the business fundamentals to help us do it better. 

avatar for David TEITE


Lead Data Engineer, ADEO Services
I'm a Adeo Lead Data Engineer on CCDP.
avatar for Sandrine De Oliviera

Sandrine De Oliviera

Digital Product Leader, Adeo Services
I'm a Digital Product Leader on CCDP and I am responsible of 6 data products (performance and client knowledge).

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

4:15pm CEST

Strengthening Phishing Defense: Empowering Users with an Advanced Chatbot Solution

91% of cybersecurity attacks start with phishing. The only way we can defend against those kind of attacks is to continuously train people to recognize them. But that may not be enough. With the help of AI everyone can write effective and realistic phishing emails making the identification way way harder. That’s why we decided to provide a tool to help people identify those menaces. With the help of our CTI and the power of APIs we developed a chatbot using Dialogflow CX to allow everyone to check autonomously an email in a fast way simply chatting with the bot. But that’s not all;  we plan to integrate the possibility to open tickets and identify SMS or messages to ease service desk job and reduce the number of tickets we receive.

avatar for Gian Luca ZAMPOGNA


Cybersecurity Specialist, Leroy Merlin Italy
As a technology expert with a strong background in security and cryptography, I serve as a Cyber Security Specialist at Leroy Merlin. In this role, my focus lies in redesigning and optimizing the cybersecurity architecture, with a particular emphasis on defense and observability... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

4:15pm CEST

Is it useful for a Product team to work hand in hand with Platform Onboarding team?

Is it useful for a Product team to work hand in hand with Platform Onboarding team?

avatar for Victoria LORTHIOIS


Business Product Leader, ADEO Services
I am Business Product Leader for Opus Recommendation & Push, within the Adeo CCDP.Bringing my marketing background to the table, I mix Product Strategy with Business & Tech Acumen to deliver impactful customer-centric experiences.My previous experiences in Berlin, Manila, and Amsterdam... Read More →
avatar for Jean Christophe PERROT

Jean Christophe PERROT

BUs Onboarding Leader, ADEO Services
avatar for Julie VARINI


Project Manager, Leroy Merlin France

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

4:15pm CEST

Propel the sale of projects and services in shops through efficient product management

In this talk, I will explore advanced product management strategies and how, through them, we can boost sales of planned furniture.

The strategy rests on important questions and reflections:

- How can the effectiveness of product management directly impact sales growth? (showing by example - Business Case of planned furniture)

- Why does product management play a fundamental role in identifying market opportunities, developing products with a customer focus (UX/CX), using data to make informed decisions, and integrating emerging technologies?

- What is the biggest difficulty in this journey? The biggest challenges are internal!

- How can you replicate these learnings for your business? What are the key questions that need to be asked if you want to accelerate the sale of projects and services?



IT Manager, Leroy Merlin Brazil

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

4:45pm CEST

From traditional to transformational: Reengineering sales forecasting with Temporal Fusion Transformers

In an era where accurate sales forecasting is crucial for business success, traditional statistical methods have shown their limitations due to their inability to handle the dynamic market behaviors. Our journey from these conventional models to the adoption of the Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT) showcases a transformative approach in sales forecasting. This talk outlines the shift from traditional methods to TFT, highlighting its superiority in integrating diverse data sources and enhancing forecast accuracy. We discuss the challenges with traditional forecasting, introduce the benefits of TFT, including its flexibility and precision, and share insights from our implementation. 

avatar for Khadidja DASSA

Khadidja DASSA

Data Scientist, ADEO Services
avatar for Antoine Aubay

Antoine Aubay

Data science director, Artefact
avatar for Arthur Lambert

Arthur Lambert

data scientist, Artefact

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:45pm - 5:30pm CEST
🎤 Little Stage

5:00pm CEST

GenAi leads the way: How vector databases are becoming the new engine

Genai is growing, the power of AI is now accessible for everybody. New challenge,new business, new way to see the interactions with our customers, with our business.
In this new era, new technical challenges are here. Genai don’t understand words, images, they understand vectors, big vectors ! How do you store them ? How do you search for them ? How do you know the closer images, sentences are to this one ?
So let’s go with us to understand how our future will work !
We are IA experts! We will explain everything … But with pedagogy

avatar for Cyril SPANNEUT


Machine Learning Ops Leader, Leroy Merlin France
avatar for Axel TISON


Data Scientist, Leroy Merlin France
I'm datascientist at LMFR since 2021. I worked on timeseries, classification, regression algos. Also some ops part dev/ml 

Thursday June 6, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm CEST
📊 Data / AI Room

5:00pm CEST

How to leverage the company's strengths to create a product that is useful to everyone.

The talk is a REX about the experience of creating a product based only on inner-source contribution.

avatar for Alexandre COTE

Alexandre COTE

Tech Lead, ADEO Services
Domain tech lead at the DataHub, I eat up changelog and documentations to design future stacks and share the most useful information in my domain.
avatar for Stephane FIORENTINO


Product Manager, ADEO

Thursday June 6, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm CEST
👾 Dev / Tech Room

5:00pm CEST

Network Automation initiatives in LMBR

I will talk about the main projects regarding to the network automation initiative in LMBR, those projects include: Port-Security automation, enable/disable uplinks presenting packet loss, automatic internal IP blacklisting.

avatar for Luiz Henrique Cunha

Luiz Henrique Cunha

Network Specialist, Leroy Merlin Brazil
My name is Luiz Henrique, I am a 30 years old network specialist from Brazil. I do love coding as much as IT/Networking and my goal is to help LM/Adeo by solving complex problems uniting these two areas,

Thursday June 6, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm CEST
📝 Workshop Room

5:00pm CEST

Adeo x Google partnership - Implementation of product management on an editor solution - Looker Journey

How to build a win-win product collaboration with Google ?

Looker is a strategic dataviz product aligned with the pillars of the company's new data strategy: AI & Analytics. 

We'll to talk about the Looker product organization in place at different levels and with the different stakeholders : Google - Adeo Looker central Team - BUs.  We'll explain how the win-win collaboration between Google and Adeo is beneficial to both parties :

  • For Google : to quickly test functionalities in Adeo's complex and demanding environment
  • For Adeo : to benefit from new functionalities adapted to the ADEO ecosystem

What's more, having worked as a product manager on several products, this will be an opportunity to share with you how we have adapted the principles of product management to the complex context of adapting an editor product such as Looker.

* Looker is a new ADEO Dataviz product that is currently being rolled out across the company's entire ecosystem (15,000+ users to date).On the other side, Adeo is Google's biggest Looker customer in Europe. 

avatar for Corentin INGLARD

Corentin INGLARD

Product Owner Data Viz, ADEO Services
Passionate about product management and sport, I combine my 2 passions by being PO of 2 products : Looker (for 6 months+) and Databox (for 2 years+)... And that's sport
avatar for Dipty Chander

Dipty Chander

Technical Account Manager - Google Cloud, Google
Technical Account Manager - Google Cloud

Thursday June 6, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm CEST
🔈 Medium Stage

5:00pm CEST

Energy Renovation - a functional case study

This presentation offers an in-depth look at the Energy Renovation project, serving as a compelling case study that underscores the indispensable contribution of the UX team in crafting a groundbreaking service proposition at LMIT. At its heart, the speech centers on LMIT's embrace of a UX-centric approach, adeptly maneuvering through obstacles while identifying opportunities to conceptualize pioneering features and indispensable solutions. Our overarching aim is to engineer a seamlessly intuitive experience for clients, collaborators, partners, and all invested stakeholders. Through this journey, we shed light on the profound impact of prioritizing user experience, showcasing how it catalyzes the success and efficacy of our endeavors.

avatar for Dornaz VAZIFEHAALI


UX Designer, External for Leroy Merlin Italy

Thursday June 6, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm CEST
👩🏻‍💻 Product Management / UX Room

5:30pm CEST


avatar for Giovanni CLEMENT

Giovanni CLEMENT

Group CTO, ADEO Services

Thursday June 6, 2024 5:30pm - 6:00pm CEST
📣 Amphitheater
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